Ok, so here we go for BEDA (Blogg Every Day of April), and I realize I'm a day early, but theirs alot I want to randomly say that I cant elsewhere, so here they are.
Making a salad with pepperoni is an idea I should have thought of years ago.
Taylor and I were talking and I brought up a good question. Did Jesus's farts smell good? Or
really bad? Everything else he did in his life was extreme, why not his farts?
I think when Taylor grows up, hes going to be an awesome old incohesent blabbering man. And none of his grandchildren will appreciate it....
I'm making french frys, and the mini oven keeps making noises. I'm afraid its going to explode.....Also, on that note of my frys, I have both wavy cut and waffle cut. How do they cut waffle cut? I could rant on that for hours. For another day.....
Doctor says I need more milk. MORE OVALTINE PLEASE!!! I also got Gogurt. What am I, six? Oh, and apparently I'm 5 foot 6 now. And I've LOST weight. I dont care. I'm still telling people I way 117. (truely 112. Dont judge me, I'm not the first to lie about my weight.) Pee tests are weird.
Some phrases like "tell me about it" are taken differently when read in text message form. In a book, they had " he said sarcastically" to the end, just to clarify. Not in text message. So in book you'd either get "Tell me about it' he said as he reached under his lamp table, trying desperately to grab his gun so as to stop the old man's inchosent blabbering'" or "'Man, my day sucked'. 'Oh, tell me about it' she said, leaning in close gazing into his eyes, hoping that maybe the small shimmer of his day was her'"
See? Two completely different things.
I think I've done enough damage for the day.