No, the real reason I haven't blogged is because, I just really havent had time. When school let out and I started waking up early, I found that my days were ENDLESS! Wake up, play WoW, hang out with friends, come home play games, go get food, then sleep. But around the time I A) got a job and B) started going out with chels, my days have been not so endless. At that point it was wake up, go see chelsea, go to work, sleep. Don't get me wrong, this was awesome and I enjoyed every minute of it (minus the work part), but because of it I barely saw any of my friends. I havent seen Lisa in forever, and i'm sure John thinks I'm dead or something, that jizabell fuck.
Last night, me and chelsea tried out webcam. It was cool, and I was pretty happy to see her face again, but the distinct lack of hugs made it feel..... I don't know. It wasnt the same. Next week, if all goes well, I make the drive up to Dallas to see her and spend the weekend with her. The getting there part I'm fine with, even the going over there part is ok to me. But it's the coming back. I never pay attention when I'm coming BACK from somewhere, and while I know how to get to Dallas just fine, I'm not sure how to get back. Also, I know the pain and heartache of having to go back will make the drive even harder. Which I'm not looking forward to.
I havent felt much like a 'gamer' lately. I'm starting to feel more and more like a person that just really likes video games, and that is something that is a huge bother to me. Everything I play it's because my friends play it. So, I'm not actually choosing what I play. I just choose it because I know I'll get to hang out with friends more or be less left out. Oh well
While I haven't actually wrote anything in awhile, thanks to the complete and utter boredom I get at work, I have wrote new stories, but once again, nothing has gone from pen to paper, which is discouraging. Alot of what I've done lately is discouraging. I feel like it's now or never in my life. I either do something now, get stuff done, or forever be stuck with a job I don't like in a place I hate. I'm hoping for a hurricane to come, because then it's an excuse to move somewhere else and start at a new school. It also gives me an excuse to not live at home. A hurricane right now would be a blessing, strangely enough. At this point, I don't care too much about anything I have. I just need my car and some gas in it, and I'll be set.
My parents aren't talking to each other again. I'm really afraid I'm going to come home one day and one of them just wont. But maybe it's for the better. If neither of them are happy in their relationship, maybe it should end. I don't know. Me and chelsea never argued. That's semi a lie. We would argue about whats better, cupcakes or just cake. We argued about who got to drive, though that eventually just led to me driving because I like driving. We argued over what kind of cat we would get, and eventually settled on "fluffy". We also argued on whether or not she was going to pay for me for food, because I really hate it when she does that, but one hug or a kiss on the cheek always ended the argument, as I was rendered helpless with hearts flying all around me.
See a trend here? I've never been mad at her for anything, never felt like I didn't want to be with her anymore, never been emberassed by her. I'm almost sorry that most of this blog ended up being about her, but considering that for the last 2 months she has been pretty much what I wake up to go do, I don't care. If this blog really is supposed to be about my life, then I'm surprised two whole entries weren't already about her. I know its mushy and shit, but fuck..... I really miss her.
Let's try and change the subject.
This is actually kind of difficult.....
Still trying.....
School. I haven't given it much thought. I still have a bit to do and not much time to do it in. That's bad. Secretly, I'm really worried I might not go this semester. But to be 100% totally honest, I'm not worried that I wont get to go. I'm worried that I wont get to go and then I have to hear my parents bitch about it. Now don't get me wrong, I do want to go and start this long ass process of going to various classes and puzzling them together to prove that I'm somehow cut out for some job. I wish even more that it wouldn't take 4+ years to finally be making the kind of money that I deserve. And believe me, I do deserve that money.
I'm probably going to quit krogers soon. I don't enjoy working there at all. My favorite part is, ironically, the part everyone else seems to hate. But its because I don't have to deal with people. One of my (5) managers seems to think otherwise, because he wont let me have headphones in. I hate him. Hes fat. His name is Mr Garcia. The other one is Mr Jim. He essentially reminds me of my ROTC instructor from junior year. I hated that guy, and I hate this guy. The other one is Ms Judy. Shes cool. Sort of. She just follows the rules, but not tongue and cheek like those other two. But shes nice. Shes probably the only reason I still have a job right now. The other two managers I don't know the names of, and don't plan on making a point to do so.
Oh right, back to the me quitting krogers. As nice as Ms Judy is, I wish she had let me get fired. I'm applying for Office Depot, something I think will be a more pleasent experience, if only for the fact that less people go there then krogers. But I don't know if they'll hire me, simply for the fact that I haven't worked at kroger that long, and if kroger gives me a bad name (which they will) my chances of getting that job decrease significantly.
I really enjoy MVC2. But I'm not good at it. I'm stuck at that level of being better then people who just started or play casually, but not good enough to beat people who are actually good. I'm barely over that line in SF4, but every now and then even that proves false.
I've just learned something humorous to me. My brother has been set up on a blind date at Starbucks. Lets go through a few things, huh?
Today i've come to the realization that my brother is more immature then me. And I wholeheartedly blame WoW for that. WoW seems to lagg behind the internet in funniness by 3 years, because he's saying things that I typed back in the day. This is a problem.
Next realization. Who the fuck goes on a date at starbucks. If she chose the place, I'm sorry to say my brother may not do so well. I know the kinds of people that go to starbucks, and they aren't my brother's type. Needless to say, this will be interesting.
Final realization. After 21, how do you tell a girl you live with your parents? It was pretty easy for me to tell my gf I live with my parents, cause, you know, she still lived with hers. But him? I'm not sure what will be better, if she lives with her parents, or if she lives by herself. Either way.....
Ugh. I've done alot of typing. And since everyone else did their art of kyle, heres mine.
I enjoyed this blog. Except the picture.You're suppose to use MS paint to make it look like Kyle, not just a picture of Samurai Jack with a milk mustache. I really can't help you with any of your problems though. Especially the "I hate where I live" thing, because its your state of mind not your habitat. Oh, and one last thing, "jizabell" might be the best misspelling of jezebel I've ever seen.
ReplyDeleteNo, kyle spelt it Jesebelle the other day. christ. My phrase is being used and spelt incorectly by everyone! Kill me!
ReplyDeleteDon't quit Krogers. Just stop being lazy and do what you need to do.
Write me something special. I need someone to write a story.
Boo Hoo! Alec's a big man now! Wants us all to die in a Hurricane. Asshole!
ReplyDelete-Im sorry that you hates your life I has sum Anti depressants that you can suck on till' u feels better.