Friday, April 2, 2010

Where I talk about nothing.

I've been contemplative for quite awhile. I'm not all too sure why. I feel like arguing, but not an angry arguement. Almost like I want to fight for a cause, but don't know just what. Everything that I believe in, someone else already does and has better words for describing why they're right. The only time I ever get to join the fray is with someone in passing, relatives or something close to that matter. And even then, I've done nothing. I've spoken only words.

Helping customers at work is a mixed bag. If I get a customer asking me about anything in my department that isn't basic external HDD, basic networking info, or info that literally requires me to read the box of what they're buying, IE "Excuse me, does this work with this" *reads box* "yes."

How ever, if someone strays over from the video game section, or I happen to be over near the computers or software, I'm able to answer questions like crazy. It's crazy. Oh well.

I think this is it for me, this should make up for the missed day. Two different posts with their own formula. I'm gonna try and actually write fiction, get it here and up at deviantart.


  1. Since when did deviantart accept writing? That's a travesty. Blogs are for writing. Deviantart is for visual art!

  2. I think that we should argue for our asteroid railgun defense battery.
