Friday, December 25, 2009

An explanation.

I feel like I need to explain, to myself, just why this christmas is different from the last, aside from age and the fact that I have a girlfriend.

I have nothing to do right now. For the past four years, every christmas eve I would literally stay up all night playing one game and just not sleeping. Something I was hoping to do again this year. Last year it was, I think, a combination of WoW and COD:WAW. The 3 years before that, most likely WoW. Possibly even the year before those, not sure.

Anyways, this year I have nothing to play. No game to extend my reach to the masses, no chat to dwelve into, nothing. And I hate it. What I hate even more is how great of a time I had today. Which sounds fucked up, I know. This is how my day went.

I woke up, talked to my mom, got ready, wrapped gift and left. We got to chels's house and exchanged gifts while her two little cousins (I think?) got their gifts and just had fun. Gifts were exchanged between their family and then we went to church. After church we just sort of lounged around and then went to a member of her family's house where assorted cousins, uncles and grandparents were (grand parent?) where we talked, ate, talked some more and gifts were once again exchanged. And then I got to play DJ hero. But aside from that, I did not touch a console. Which is weird for me, because this is how my christmas eve usually goes.

Wake up, get on game until the next day, only stopping to help my mom cook or to talk to brother when they arrived and have them join in on the game playing. Other then that, I pretty much don't do anything. And for me to this year go out and actually do what seems like normal families do is alien to me. Whats worse, I enjoyed myself. I had a good time, no, a GREAT time.

The only down side is I now no longer have her by my side. And with that, I have no game to play. Nothing to keep me awake through the dead of night so that the taunt of knowing I have to wake up at 7 or 8, and not too later so that I miss presents and not too early so that I can't wake them up and not have to go back to sleep, thats not there. I can just play and play and play and when I feel like looking at the clock and seeing, oh hey I have a few hours left, lets do a BG to kill the time, or I can do a raid and leave halfway through if I want. Or even not noticing until my mom wakes up to cook. I don't have that. I have to go back to sleeping and hope I don't sleep too late. Or if I can even fall asleep at all.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New nerd rant, yay!

Let's talk about sleep.

I love sleep. If for only one reason I'm not afraid of death, it's because if there is no after life, I'm completely content with just sleeping for forever. If I didn't have friends or a girlfriend, I'd be completely fine with never having to wake up. On the bad side, I've gained what I'm getting increasingly sure of is a bad habit, if not an unhealthy one.

No matter what time I go to bed at night, I won't wake up till 2:00 PM unless woken up. Tuesday night I was dead tired, I had woken up at 9:00 (after going to bed at 3:00), driven to the galleria, was downtown till like, 8, came home and fucked, then chels went home and I went to bed at like, 9 or 10. And I was dead tired. I was supposed to go to her house for a bit, but I was falling asleep and it was way too unsafe for me to drive anymore. So I passed out, literally. I don't remember anything after kissing her goodnight as she walked to her car. I remember texting her in the morning, not knowing what time it was, thinking i was going to stay up, and then passing out again. That was at like, 8:00. Then at magical time, lisa texted me about game night and I somehow told her I would go. I don't remember doing that, but I knew I had said I would go. Then at 2:00 I woke up.

It's always 2:00. ALWAYS.....

I've had days where I knew it was unimportant, and knew I was going to see chels at like, 5:00 so I wanted to go to bed late and sleep till she came over. So, I'd go to bed at like 5:00 and then I would wake up at 2:00 and be completely rested. Fuck you, body. Right now, theirs no reason for me to be up. But you know what time I'm going to get up? 2:00. yaaaay. Lets see if we can see where this began.

Back in the day, I remember bragging cause I had stayed up till 12:00. This was like, 4th grade. Fuck you, 4th grade me. Then, in like 5th grade, I remember bragging about staying up all night long. That was fun. Then we would try it again and pass out around 2:00. Thats what time I go to bed normally, now. Around the time I started playing WoW, well thats when it got bad. I'd stay up really fucken late. I'm pretty sure thats how all this truly began.

This post is really just fueling my addiction to staying up and sleeping. Tomorrow I have literally nothing to do, I'll probably just go over to jasons and make remarks of the sexual kind, then do innappropriate things to kris when he isn't looking.

On this note, I don't think you people realize just how horrible of a person I am. For the most part, I don't talk, but the numerous upon numerous of horrible looks I recieved from lisa, daniel and taylor today really reminded me of that.

Not john though, johns cool.

Not you kris

Oh wait, kris doesn't read this blogg.

So this one time, kris found a magic apple. The apple asked him "What is one thing you really want right now?" and Kris said "Holy shit, you can talk! I wanna be like you!" but the apple mistook him and turned him into an apple, instead of magic. Then kris had to convince a girl to kiss him and he would turn into a prince, but instead she ALSO turned into an apple, and they both went into a swamp and found an alligator that sings and also wanted to be human again, and it was all one big racist thing towards black people. Then Disney got ahold of it and changed EVERYTHING OF MY BEAUTIFUL CREATION!

Shit, I'm becoming taylor.

I love keith. (kieth? kethe? Pretty sure that first one is right.) He really does live the life I want to. You guys make fun of me for it, but I really am one big child. I love playing with legos, I like to shoot nerf guns, I play video games all the time, I'm excited I got a sword, I love candy, I'm a big fucken kid. And I don't care. My girlfriend is the same way. And when we move in, we're just gonna have toys everywhere and play all the time. It will be fun.

This thread is getting off topic. So I'm gonna talk about the even further progression of myself in SF4.

I watched some videos of my playing around thanksgiving time, and even now I can see so much improvement in myself. Kara throwing on it's own has improved my game by quite a bit. Also, walking up to someone as they're getting up and getting in a "meaty" attack (which is using the start up frames of your move while they're getting up so that as soon as they're attack-able, you immediately hit them or they block. That way if they try and grab or attack with something that doesn't have invinceable frames, they'll get hit) is seriously one of the best things anyone could have taught me. Before that, me and probably everyone else can only think of one way to get in.

Jump in.

In all reality, jumping in is the WORST way to get in, mainly because you're giving up your ability to block. Walking in is great because it's so unexpected, especially walking up and grabbing, which ken does best BECAUSE of kara throw. Fireball xx FADC is a pretty bad way to get in with ken because his fireball is kinda shitty. If you get the spacing right, jumping in for a cross up is nice if only because it sets you up for a few things.
A)Cross up hits.
B) Cross up is blocked, but the blockstun lasts long enough for you to get in the rest of the combo. Sometimes they don't block low and you get the combo anyways.
C) If they do block low, you continue the combo, then tick throw with kara throw.
D) if they know kara throw, you bait it, then make them eat a SRK, and start the mix up game all over.
E)If they're getting used to you continuing the combo, just grab right after the blocked cross up.
F) Or you can change the combo a little bit, making it shorter or longer, and grab at different times.
G) Fake a cross up and hit forwards
H) Do the ambiguous cross up (see here) which can really confuse people, and make them make dumb decisions
I) Just dont do anything and let them try to reversal you.

Theirs so many options here, where only a short time ago all I could think of was hopefully hit them or hit them while blocking until they get far enough away to try again.

FADC ultra is like NOTHING to me now. I'm trying to learn a new link that not many people do because it's tough, but then again not many people do FADC ultra with ken cause it's tough also, so knowing that makes me feel good. I wanna be able to pull out stuff that no one knows about and fuck shit up.

I can't wait to get back online and see where I'm at. It's exciting. I learned so much from this one tournament.

Also, theirs no TP in this bathroom. FUCK

Monday, December 21, 2009

Let's talk about being a gamer.

A rant before I wander off into sleep, and because theirs some good music playing and I don't want it to go to waste. Let's start from something I believe to be essential. Where it all began.

Out of pure spite and also admirance of my brothers. What you people know of to be the people I call my brothers used to be completely different. In that, they were dicks. And in being dicks, they were also my "parents", as my real parents were never truelly around. So, watching them play games, thats what I wanted to do. I'm a gamer by inheritance, and therefore by nature. Either because I just wanted to piss them off by occupying the system when they had just rented a game, or because I had just rented a game and knew they were only just occupying the system, I had a strong desire to play. Which soon created an even stronger desire to win.

When the SNES was out, there was a huge lack of multiplayer games, an even bigger lack of competitive games, and an even further gap of multiplayer competitive games that I was competent at. The N64, in a sense changed this, and with that came about the almost NEED to become the best. Though, you could never show it. You could never boast you were the best with out being somewhat ironic, otherwise you were "taking it too seriously", though everyone knew just how important it was to be the best. Or maybe that was just me, being the smallest and having to prove myself in any way shape or form. Either way, 007, mario kart 64, smash bros, and many more all reset the proving grounds of who had their moment of fame in the house that night. Who could sleep more soundly knowing that the others couldn't. Who could get bragging rights to the console next so that they could get in more time so that they could get better. In a sense, even though I didn't grow up in the arcade scene the way others did, I still had that idea of "if you win, you keep playing". In short, you really had to want it.

Lets fast forward into the future. I'll keep this as less about street fighter 4 as possible, so lets start with my brother Joshua, and smash bros. Before Luis left the house and began the sepperation of us all, the order in Smash bros, and therefore of all games, or so it was perceieved, was Josh, Luis and then myself. We could all argue otherwise, but once it game down to controllers being in hand, thats how it truely played out. After awhile, I became second, but somehow, SOMEHOW, my brother joshua remained 1st. Even though he was the only "non gamer", and I have yet to this day to figure out how he did that. Now adays thats changed, if only because he barely touches the game, but then again neither do I. So who knows.

On the note of smash bros, I like many other fighting game enthusiasts do not take it seriously enough. This is sort of a sub-story to my entire rant but this is how it goes down. Smash players (both melee and brawl) don't take any other fighter seriously. Everyone else doesn't take smash seriously. It's actually really amusing. Of course, I side with the non smash, though I will say that melee is much better of a competitive game then brawl is. On this same note, just because you play Brawl does NOT make you a gamer. Onto my next rant, non-ganers who play games.

Playing Halo does not make you a gamer. Playing MWF2 does not make you a gamer. Playing GoW does not make you a gamer. These all make you a bro gamer, or what ever derogatory term you want to use at the time. Playing Smash, along with all of these, does not make you a gamer either. Well, brawl anyways, you can have your fits with Melee since this is done on a much lesser scale with melee and has nothing but elitists fucks who think they're the shit. Brawl is nothing more then one giant fanservice. Ironically, many "gamers" who play brawl are also the same people who played one or two sonics on either the GCN or Dreamcast and entranced them so much that they made themselves a sonic character. Read: furry. Or even just anime nerds. Somehow brawl attracts them also. Either way, these people are not gamers, they are just people who like one game, know the history of other games (read:JRPGS) but don't know the joy of beating a final boss. Don't know the joy of anything in those games aside from the story. Bah to them, I say! Though, they did find one game that they enjoy the gameplay of. One that caters to the new, the young, the un experienced, in short, a game dumbed down by those who thought they deserved a chance at high stake wins with out wanting to put in all the time and practice. Sound familiar Blizzard?

I won't even get into how pissed I get when WoW players think themselves of "hardcore" gamers. Come back 5 years ago, and maybe. But now it's no different then buying shit off of popcap, or getting a DS game/Wii game.

While we're onto this topic of "real gamers" i want to say this. REAL GAMERS ARE NOT PEOPLE YOU CAN MARKET TO!! I hate seeing shirts and things of games that obviously everyone has played, being marketed to "gamers" when really anyone can wear them and not feel dumb. This is a stupid trend that started four years ago, and at the time was cool. We had a way to sepperate ourselves normally. But then everyone started doing it. Being a gamer became "trendy". And you know what real gamers did? We said "fuck that". At this point I'll just be restating what many have said in that, we did not go years being social outcasts to just let everyone be apart of us. No. You have to work just like we did. You have to know your shit. I don't care if you know the konami code. I've never had to use it and I don't know it. Tell me what the boss order and name of the bosses in SMRPG are. Or tell me what the feather does in Zelda, any of them. Tell me why knowing how to do a hadouken or srk is useless info with out textbooks worth of other knowledge. Explain to me the frustration of having shaman gear drop as alliance. What are all of the robot masters weaknesses, in ANY of the megamans. Shit, most of us only ever got one. These make us who we are.

By the way, making something new for gamers, then marketing it at us and saying "all gamers are doing it" is a quick way to get us not to do something. We hate conforming, All of us. I don't know why. Ironically, we also have fanboyisms. If other gamers are doing it and we're not already, then we're not going to do it. What, you got a sega? I hate sega. No I have never played it, but I don't have it, so therefore it sucks. And so do you.

Unrelated, why did the batteries in rumble packs last for years with no replacing? Always confused me. I've been playing alot of old games lately, if only for nostalgia. I'm playing SMRPG right now, and to be completely honest, I'm only doing it so I can hear it's music. I know how everything goes down (for the most part, everynow and then theirs something I've forgotten and I get kinda pissy) but I'm only doing it because I love the music and I just wanna get to the next part to hear some good ole fashioned Square. Also been trying to beat all of the megamans. It's funny, really. I've gotten to the point where I beat Megaman X just because I can. In maybe 2 hours. I did it with the arcade stick just because i wanted to be able to say that i could. And I beat it with 100%, meaning I got every secret item etc. etc. But any of the others? Aw, fuck no. Fuck wily. Why is he more difficult then a robot virus thingy? Fuck him. Fuck is robot masters. I LIKE robot masters shaped like animals.

Also, I predict CAPCOM to be the next EA, or Activision or any other giant gaming corporation. Yeah they're already big but I know they're gonna try and dominate every genre they can.

I'm going to bed now.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm dying here.

I've gone a total of four days with out playing Street Fighter. This was not that big of a deal until today. All the other days, I probably wouldn't have played anyways due to studying. But now? From 4-now, I have had nothing to do. I got my Wii back and as soon as I plugged that in I thought "This will last maybe 6 hours." It's 11:30. I can't hold that damned GCN controller anymore. I want an arcade stick on my lap. I want to play TVC on it, if I'm going to play something. I want to play SF4. Soooo bad.

Heres a little history of me. I have an addictive personality when it comes to video games. Back when we had the N64 and SNES, I would always be playing either Super Metroid, Megaman X, Star Fox 64 or Golden Eye. Later on when smash came out, that was it for me. Only that game, nothing else. When the GCN came out, I knew if I picked up smash it would consume me. So I played and beat Pikmin first. Then smash. Up until when Sonic Adventure 2 battle came out, thats all I played. Then it was the Chao garden for me from like, 5th grade to 8th. Sure there were other games, but I don't remember them. Either I played smash or SA2B. Then we got a computer.... oh sweet jesus. Battle Field 1942 came with our computer, then shortly after that Vietnam came out. If I couldn't find a server on one, I played the other. This went on for a good year.

Then one fateful day for some damned reason, all the servers were done. Something about maintenence. It wasn't tuesday.... so my brother had an idea. "Play this game." he says. I would later find out this was the most assholish move anyone could ever do to me.

Four years. Four fucken years of this damned game. It wasn't even fun the fourth year, but I kept playing. I couldn't stop. The first two years were.... not pretty. Third got bad at a point also. Fuck WoW. I hate it, but love it. I want to play again. But I know if I do, it'll be shit. Because it's a shit game. Too many gimmicks, not enough game. Fuck.

I wish I could say by my own will I stopped playing. But really the game just sucked too much for me to want to play it anymore. Same old shit. Once I figured out what order to do moves for a new class it once again became 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But not Street Fighter....

This is my new addiction now. And unless KOTOR is fucking godly, I don't see that stopping. I want to be good, no, GREAT at this game. I want to be great at ALL capcom fighting games. But how can I do that with no 360?

This sucks.... I want to play WoW. I want to play street fighter. I want to just.... not be bored. I'm so damned bored.

I know tonight is going to be another sleepless night of me frantically hitting refresh on twitter and forums. Then I'm going to get woken up bright and early, like all of this fucken week. I want a not broken car. I want to go to planet zero.

Man I'm a whiny prick.

I'm gonna take another shower and try to sleep again.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So, I had this awesome plan that when I got home, I was going to start blogging again for BEDD. Which doesn't really exist but uh.... yeah.

December is looking to be a fun month. Sort of. Lets see how all of this works out. Ehh....

Since I missed the first day, I'll just blog twice today. That works, right? Yeah, yeah it does.

I don't have much to say for today. Just at jasons, probably late, playing MWF2. This weekend will prove interesting.

Also, my computer has been making weird sounds. Also going to see how this works out.