Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chia-like, I shall grow...

I fucken' love complaining. I really do. It's so much easier to say "this this and that sucks" rather then going out and fixing it. It's more fulfilling to say what you hate rather then what you love. And I don't know about you, but I'm an 'easy way out' kinda guy. With that said, I think today I'm going to make a list of the things I love (people excluded.)While I know this is setting myself up for white a bit of flamebait, I inquire anyone else who has a blog to list the things that they enjoy in life. It can be relaxing....

  • Hugs. Theirs just something so satisfying about knowing that this person is close enough to you to let you into their personal bubble.
  • Kittens. They're balls of fluff.
  • The internet. What else allows you to talk about meaningless shit with random people? Lunch time? Maybe.... maybe it's the disconnected ness that makes it fun. *shrug*
  • Webcomics. It's like reading someone's random thoughts, and comparing them with yours. I don't know about you, but my random thoughts are story mode.
  • Winter. When else can you wrap yourself in endless amounts of assorted cloths (and clothes) and not get hot and sweaty? Also, because of the cold, you have a never ending reason to stay inside. Which brings me to...
  • Inside. I loathe outdoors. Atleast, during the day. So maybe i just hate the sun, as Sunset is my favorite time of the day.
  • Sunset. Aside from telling you 'hey, night times coming, get everything ready for awesomness', its also very beautiful. Writers and artists alike have always been captivated by the thought of two lovers watching or being in sunset. Its incredibly romantic, watching day and night dance in the sky. I love it.
  • Video games. Now, I could end this by saying "They're fun", but that would be cheating. I know everyone has their own reason for being a 'gamer', but I think mine is.... different. Then again, maybe not. This may sound silly or even stupid, but I view it as the last way of being a 'warrior'. Now, that doesn't mean I think I'm better then everyone else, I just think that by playing against someone else you are testing skill against skill, something that can no longer be done in hand to hand combat, lest you have cops on you or something. I find that, even if I lose, if both of us play with honor and respect for the game, it can be something of endless joy. Maybe I'm weird.
  • Music. I could rant longer then I could about video games. Music is an entry into another world, much the same books are (which I'll talk about next). All music tells a story, and I think that's what classifies music away from noise. Of course music is noise, but noise isn't music. And I believe that's why. Music is a form of literature that combines great story telling with fantastic ear candy. One can lose them selves in it, either listening or creating it. It can be interpretted many ways, and can open up new emotions. It can convey a meaning or view point. It can do so many things. Whether you just have it as something in the background to fill in the gaps of conversation, or something to get people moving, or even letting your mind engage in a battle of wits against the writer, music is there to surround. I'm going to stop now, and move on to...
  • Books. Oh how I've only recently rediscovered the magic that is books. I'm not sure what people's hatred for reading is. I've always assumed they don't read fast enough, and so blame letters and whatnot for it, but alot of times that isn't the case. Either way, the fact remains. Books will always be better then movie/television. When you watch either, everything is predetermined. You have no say in the matter. But in a book, when they give descriptions, it's up to your mind to interpret everything, your imagination takes hold of the world and creates it before your very eyes. Of course pre destined knowledge helps some, like with a cup or a window, but further description can free your mind from that and allow it to turn something ordinary into something grand.
  • Sleep. Oh how I love sleep. I guess I just like to escape reality, because the last three things I have described have all been ways of escaping what is real and entering what isn't.
  • Rain. I've been fascinated by rain since sophmore year. Back then it was sort of a calling to love, but now it's.... something else. Less of a nostalgia bringer, and more of an excuse to get stuff done. I know alot of people have to stop working when it rains, but that is when I start.
  • Legos. Legos used to be my medium for story telling. I know we all played 'pretend' until we were in the 4th grade, but thanks to legos I continued it till about 7th. And everynow and then, I'm allowed to do it again. I feel like I'm not growing up.... I used to dream about buying alot of legos and having an entire room dedicated to legos when I grew up, and that is still very much a dream for me.
  • Chairs. They make my butt comfortable. Nuff' said.
  • The 1920s. It seems that, back then there wasn't enough time for imagination. Everything was set in stone that we wouldn't make much more. Kind of funny that it took war to change that thought. And yet, if we were to go back then now with the imagination we had today, what would we come up with? Some bad ass looken' shit. Which we now call steampunk.
  • Caffine/sugar. Probably the only non medication 'drug' I will ever take, I just really love being able to stay awake. As much as I love sleep, I'd prefer to do it during the day, thus combining my love of the night with my love of sleep. I'm a nocturnal son of a bitch.

I think my list here is done. It's not really as big as I thought it would be, but oh well.

1 comment:

  1. what is flamebait? Is it when I say your gay? or is it something else that actually has something to do with fire?
