Saturday, April 11, 2009

Five remotes, One TV.

I'm at my Tia Becky's house again. Oh fun times. Going through my music and being nostalgic. My cousin keeps saying "I'm going to punch you in the head." which I find hilarious. I told her to say "Right in front of your friends" afterwards, but she always forgets. *sigh*.

Today was.... weird. I've felt like shit all day, literally as if I'm worthless. Its a horrible feeling. Lisa helped a bit, but I was only with her for about 45min. The drive over here sucked, felt like shit and tried desperatly to sink into music or sleep. The latter took hold first. When I woke up, we ate some Quiznos. I wanted Panda Express. Cholesterol count is a bitch. I finally semi-cheered up, little cousins seem to do that to me. That and the music finally took hold. It truelly is magical, music. Its like a religious experience (which I have had), and if you've never had either, then that sucks. Its amazing.

My Zune is being dumb. I just want the music from it onto my computer. *sigh* I might have another story tonight. I hope so. I haven't wrote anything in awhile. Makes me feel lazy.

I think I've done enough damage for the day

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