Friday, April 3, 2009

Said I was going to finish it....

Really want to just get this short story done, and I want it done tonight. Some of the authors talked about writing and getting your bad words out first, so I'm going to do that with a short story that for some reason wants to be told. So here it is. Kinda procrastinated on it, so the one hour time limit will either help me or kill me.

His hand were at his keyboards, but he stared blankly into the moniter. He was in no mood to write, let alone finish an entire half-book. He put his left hand into his pocket, keeping his right on his keyboard. Even when he realized his phone was in his right pocket, he refused to let his right hand leave the keyboard, and instead awkwardly reached for his phone with the hand that is not meant for the right pocket. He flipped through his contacts list.....

*riiing* *riiiing* "Not not busy enough to answer the phone, which means I'm not not not going to answer. So don't call again hoping I'll pick up, if I get to the damned thing late I'll call back. Got it? Alright. Peace" *beep*


He let out a sigh.


*riiiing* *riiiing* "Heeeeey...... Yeah, obviously not at the phone. Probably rocking some faces or something, I don't know. Well, I do, but you don't. So suck it.


"*sigh*, so much for that....I wonder what Alice and Trey were doing."

*Riiiiing* *riiiiing* "Hey, its Aly, and if neither of us are answering its because."
"Because we're having sex!"
"Trey!.... I'm sorry, well you know what to do at the tone"
"What? they deserve to know the tru-"


"Hmm.... seems like everyone's busy. Or still mad.... guess I cant blame them. I want to call Lacy, but...." He let out another sigh, a bad habit that was only growing worse. "If the others didn't pick up, theirs no way she will."

He remembred again what his doctor said about talking to himself.

His moniter had something new appear on it, and a ring came from his speakers. Kelly was on. She was a bit older, but always wise, and always helpful. But most of all, she would atleast talk to him.

Celaj said: Hey!
Cakely said: Hi!!! Its been awhile.
Celaj said: Yeah, I suppose it has. How have you been?
Cakely said: Been doing good, finally almost done with school. Really regret it took this long. Hows Chels?
Celaj said: Shes doing fine, she moved out around last year though, got a bit tired of the city. Not sure exactly where she is now, but I know she moved near her parents. Pretty sure she wants to get close to them before its too late.
Cakely said: Hmmm..... well thats good for her. I hope she gets what shes looking for. And what about you? Any new lady friends I should know about? I know things have been weird since....
Celaj said: no, I figure I have enough problems as is.
Cakely said: and what problems would those be? Failing to meet deadlines are we? Or are you just procrastinating the inevitable. You need to talk to her. To everyone. I know you, and this is one problem you cant just ignore till it goes away.
Celaj said: And why not? Its worked for 2 years already, hasnt it?
Cakely said: Has it?
Cakely said: Anyways, today is a day for celebration.
Celaj said: Oh, it is is it?
Cakely said: Yeah, duh....
Cakely said: Today we're going to go see an awesome local band, maybe even meet some guys. ;)
Celaj said: oh.....
Cakely said: hahaha, I'm kidding with you. Happy birthday, kiddo. 25, right?
Celaj said: yeah, 25. For a second you had me worried.
Cakely said: well I'm sorry, couldn't resist. Well hey, I need to get going, room mates getting rowdy. We really are going to a concert. You have fun, but not too much, ok? Have fun!
Celaj said: yeah, dont you worry about me.... I'll be safe.....
Cakely has signed off.

"I'll sure as hell be safe alright."

He looked at his phone, just to make sure. But nothing. All it told was the time and how to unlock the damned thing, but nothing about a missed call or new message. Maybe he did need to call her? He threw it to his bed. Got up and walked to the kitchen. He had such a big house. Why such a big house? The only people who used it were guests, and they always told him how they wanted such a big house. But why? It felt lonely. He could tell it wanted that many people in it all the time. But that isn't possible, people have their own lives to go on to. Stupid big house.... it didn't get it.

He opened the fridge, a useless gesteur as he already knew what was in it. He memorized its contents long ago. If he wanted food he usually ordered or went out. The fridge was there for show. And alcohal. And ice cream. Because no matter how hard he tried, the ice cream man would not stop by his house....

He heard his phone ring. Immediatly all earthly worrys of food went away, and he ran for the thrown item.

"Yes, your insurance has expired on-"

"Fucking aye... this sucks. Shes right. I do need to call her. But what do I say? I love you? I'm sorry? Please dont be mad I called? You know its my birthday?" Yet another sigh to add to his collection. "If the stupid postal system hadn't gone down I could have wrote her a letter, or a poem. An email wont do.... seems too cowardly. Same with a text message. And why am I still talking to myself!?"

His fingers traced the number to her cell phone. But instead, he ended up calling his doctor. Dr. Sotir was his name, and bad habits were his game. He had a really weird german accent that almost seemed fake, as if to make him seem better then he was at his job. He was 3 for 10, but he was nice, and his bill wasn't enormous.

"Why hello AJ, how are you doing today?"
"Pretty shitty, doc. Keep talking to myself. And this time I have no excuse to claim its me writing"
"Well, what exactly are you talking to yourself about?"
"I don't know.... just some past stuff. Ya know? Stuff I never left behind."
"I don't mean to be straightforward, but I'm low on time, but.... Perhaps you should just confront your past? Get it off of your mind, and out of your mouth.
"Its not that easy, doc, that would involve-"
"I'm really sorry, AJ, but I must be going now, this man INSISTS he can fly, and that the only reason he cant is because he has swallowed a packing peanut. Talk to you later!"


No.... he would not sigh this time. One bad habit to conquer at a time. Though he felt for the flying man. Sometimes we all feel we can do extraordinary things, we just need to get rid of our 'packing peanut'.

1 comment:

  1. Alec, I told you I am not going to read these egotistical pieces of crap, they just give me no reason to read them
